So a friend in Arizona whose attending Wrestlemania, is asking me to give him a "cliffnotes" of the big show on Sunday. My big in-depth and funny preview of the big one in Phoenix is on Rumble Radio's Mania of Wrestling special (click to listen to it) and well, this wrestling geek is geeking out with a constant stream of Mania buzz online, on tv, and beyond. There is so much more to say about this show. So my fingers went to typing with this preview.
* HHH vs. Sheamus
This is the first time HHH has not been in a world title match at Mania, in a long time.
Sheamus just wants to beat on HHH for eliminating him from a 6-man Elimination Chamber match in February. The Irish monster from Dublin entered that Chamber as the WWE Champion, so he wants some revenge and maybe he gets in a big way on Sunday. Or maybe HHH continues to reign supreme as King of Kings?
Prediction: Shaemus wins in a shocker but this match will not be the match of the night
* CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio (If Rey Mysterio Loses, He Must Join The Straight Edge Society)
The build up for this has been ridiculous entertaining. Punk has been preaching his Straight Edge lifestyle like he's Charlie Manson ( beard and all) on Smackdown for months now. He's flanked by his bald headed cronies, big Luke Gallows and the big chested Sareena. Then you have his oppenent the career underdog, Rey Mysterio. The story on TV has been great drama which featured Punk ruining Mysterio's daughter's birthday on national tv. He slapped Rey in front his wife and kids in this segment, and sang "Happy Birthday" as Rey with his family ran off. This promo really makes you want to see Punk get his ass handed to him at Mania. This match will also feature hard hitting back and forth action and could be a potential show-stealer.
Prediction: But even with all that come-uppings that Punk as coming to him, Rey will be the loser and then he will be Punk's new bitch.
* Randy Orton vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Ted DiBiase
This match has had the worst build up on TV of all the matches this year at Mania.
Orton was the leader of a faction with Rhodes and Dibase for the last year and half, but the faction never seemed to be the bad ass gang they were presented to be. On top of that, Rhode and Dibase have turned on Orton a few weeks back. They have been double teaming their attacks on Orton, so why are they in a triple threat match where they compete individually? I expect Orton to own both these fools and you will see punt someone in the face and RKO someone's face in the mat.
Prediction: Orton wins
* No Holds Barred Match: Bret Hart vs. Vince McMahon
This match is 13 years in the making. In 1997, Hart was the WWE Champion was about to leave Vince and the WWE for his big rival, WCW.
Hart wanted to protect his star power and not get squash in his final WWE match in his home country, Canada. He refused to flat out lose the match, and Vince agreed to not make Hart look bad as he exited the company. In front of a shocked crowd in Montreal, WWE screwed Bret Hart in an arranged con where Hart was put in his own Sharpshooter hold by Shawn Michaels, the bell rang before Hart tapped. Michaels bailed with title, Vince got spat on by Hart, but Hart was still just screwed. Bret Hart went to WCW, but it did nothing to beat his work in WWE. His in-ring career ended when he suffered a series of concussions in 1999. Hart was forced out of the ring without one final golden moment for himself and his fans.
His career became defined by that night as someone who got screwed. Hart for years publically defamed MacMahon and his backstabbing ethics, but in 2006 , the two sides came together to work on the Bret Hart anthology DVD. That stated the long mending process for Hart and Macmahon and in December 2009, it was revealed Hart signed a short term contract with WWE to perform a storyline and match at Wrestlemania 26.
The build up on TV has been a bit long winded. Hart who also suffered a stroke in 2002, has shown on TV he has lost a bit of his sharpness. It's also questionable about what Hart can do physically in the ring. This will be his first physical in-ring performance in more than 10 years. He's also in the ring with Vince Macmahon, the boss of the WWE. This not an opponent who is gifted athletically. The match is not going to be a classic, but it will give you a moment to remember.
Prediction: Hart will get the crowd off their feet, when he slaps on the back-cranking Sharpshooter on the man who betrayed him ,Vince Macmahon. Vince will make the symbolic gesture of saying he was wrong, and tap out.
* Money In The Bank Ladder Match: Christian vs. Dolph Ziggle with his multipe chamr vs. Kane vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Jack Swagger vs. MVP vs. Matt Hardy vs. Evan Bourne vs. Drew McIntyre vs. Kofi Kingston
This match will be mayhem as it is every year. Ten guys all trying to climb up a ladder to pull a briefcase down, that gives them a guaranteed world title shot that they cash in , whenever they want. It's always a launching pad for a star whose been building momentum for a while or a young star who sky rocketed to the top level. But with 10 wrestlers in this match, it's hard to pick one who could take it all. The high flying Evan Borne will definitely attempt a 450 splash off a ladder in this match, and boy that will get the flash bulbs popping. Shelton Benjamin always does a breath-taking spot in these MITB matches. Kofi Kingston leaped over a ladder last year's ladder match, he'll do some gymnastic with the heavy metal again this year.
But for the winner, I am leaning towards former ECW Champion, Christian. His run last year in ECW before WWE retired the brand, was consistently the best part of that show. And "Captain Charisma" has never had a big shot at a World title in WWE. His experience in ladder matches from his tag team years with Edge, will give him an,,,um,...an edge above the rest.
The ladders make it intense, flesh will meet steel, men will fall from great heights, and you will not want to miss the match.
* Unified Tag Team Title Match: The Miz and The Big Show vs. John Morrison and R-Truth
This match could be either be really cool or just a disappointment. Shomiz are the reigning champions, and they have Miz showboating them to top of WWE's tag team with his cocky microphone work. Morrison and RTruth are strong singles wreslters that have been paired together simply to get them on Wrestlemania, but does that mean they should be in a tag match? Not exactly sure, but they are both really fast and athletic in the ring.
R-truth will be rapping his entrance theme song live, and the 70,000 fans at the University of Phoenix Stadium screaming "what's up!". After that , no one will question why Morrison and R Truth are tagging together.
Prediction: The Big Show try someone with his massive body, Miz to trash talk, and Morrison to deliver his moon sault off the top finisher, "starship pain" for the win. New Unified Tag Team Champions
* Career vs. Streak – Winner By Pin or Submission Only: Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker
This is THE match this year on the biggest show of the year, to pay for. Last year, HBK tried to beat Undertaker's legendary 16 year long Wrestlemania winning streak. In a match that was deservedly awarded with Match of the Year by WWE, Taker and HBK took it to the limit with thrilling match that saw Undertaker squeak out win number 17 in his streak. It set off this spark in HBK where he became obsessed with getting a Wrestlemania rematch with the Dead Man. The Undertaker at first balked at Michael's challenge for a rematch. HBK then cost Taker his World title in February, setting the stage for Undertaker to get his revenge and HBK to get his second chance to beat the streak.
But their is a twist, Undertaker demanded HBK risk his 25 year long career in the match. Their also must be a winner, no DQ, no countout. We will have finality in a match that has no predictability to it. The only predictable thing is this could be the Match of the Year again. If WWE does not put this on match on last, whoever has to follow it will suffer. Nothing can beat what this match will deliver, nothing.
Prediction: Undertaker extends the Streak, Shawn Michaels walks home....but 'retirement' is never forever in pro wrestling.
* WWE Title Match: Batista vs. John Cena
At first this match seemed like a lowsy pairing of two popular stars, but it has really picked up heat in the past month.Batista stole John Cena's WWE Championship last month on pay per view. Moments after Cena survived a brutal Chamber match and outlasted 5 other men, Batista strolls out to the ring to have a unplanned title match. He power bombed Cena, He was champ. His reason was that he should be the face of the company, not Cena. He should be in movies and magazines, and getting the fame and praise that is thrown on Cena. Batista who is not known for being the best on the mic, barked out a classic diss at Cena a few weeks back.
"You keep kissing babies and hugging fat girls, I will stay WWE Champ"
Here is how Cena got his Wrestlemania main event this year...
After that, John Cena wants to get his revenge. And his screaming fans want to see it happen.
Prediction: Cena wins, but just barely...
* World Title Match: Chris Jericho vs. Edge
Edge is returning after tearing from a possible career ending injury, a torn Achilees tendon and a big win in the Royal Rumble match.
He came back to take on the man who has been trash talking him while he's gone, the World Heavyweight Champion , Chris Jericho,
When Edge got injured in a non-televised match, he was half of Unified Ta Team Champs with Jericho. Jericho said it was Edge's weakness that caused the freak accident of his tendon tear, but Edge won't have it. He's back for revenge in a Main event Championship match.
These two are supreme talents and will try to put on a show stealer like every other wrestler on card wants to do. Edge's health with the torn tendon has to put into question how far he can go. His matches since returning January have been sparse and short, but look at that issue as the x-factor. Jericho will definitely attack Edge's bad ankle, too.The expectations has been built up in the past few weeks, that the match will build around one big move: the spear. For weeks Edge has been spearing Jericho during their in-ring confrontations. Recently,Jericho cut off a flying spear tackal from Edge by bashing him in the face with the 10 lbs. of Gold, the World Heavyweight Title Belt.
Prediction: Edge will try to go the distance but Jericho will pull some villainous shenanigans to win.
Send me your feedback about these predictions.
What are your predictions for Mania ? What matches are you excited to see on WWE's biggest show of the year?